• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Teeth have this symptom beware of tooth decay to find you!

Tooth decay is a common dental disease that occurs in all age groups, and children are more likely to suffer from it. There are many uncomfortable symptoms in the mouth after suffering from tooth decay, and patients will feel pain when eating and cleaning their teeth. There are many causes of tooth decay, and dietary factors are more common. How to treat tooth decay after having it?

Symptoms of tooth decay

Healthy teeth behave smoothly, completely and shiny, but after suffering from tooth decay, white patches and yellowish-brown patches will appear on the surface of the teeth, which most patients do not notice. When the disease develops to the middle stage, the patient will be more sensitive to hot and cold stimulation, and will feel irritation when eating sweet and sour food, and cavities will appear on the teeth. When the disease is found to the late stage, the cavity is bigger and the damage has reached the deep layer of the tooth, the stimulation to the outside world will be more obvious than the middle stage, and there will be obvious pain when touching with the toothpick or other objects.

Causes of tooth decay


Eating a lot of food with high sugar content, especially food containing more sucrose, will make the sugar residue in the more hidden position of the teeth, at this time, the cleaning is not in place, and after the sugar metabolism comes into contact with bacteria, it will produce organic acid, causing enamel demineralization, and then cause tooth decay to appear.

  1. Bacterial infection

Bacteria are the main cause of tooth decay. There are many types of bacteria in the mouth, and the bacteria that can cause tooth decay are mostly Lactobacillus, Actinobacillus and Streptococcus mutans. Among these bacteria, both Actinobacillus and Streptococcus mutans produce stronger acid, which can cause tooth damage and thus tooth decay. Streptococcus mutans can cause tooth lesions that lead to cavities, Lactobacillus increases the speed of disease development, and Actinobacillus causes sulcus caries.

  1. Teeth and saliva

Misalignment, overlapping and crowding of teeth increase the risk of tooth decay. Saliva is the external environment of teeth, if saliva is changed, the antibacterial system of the mouth will have problems, which may cause tooth decay to appear.

  1. Lack of protein

During the development of teeth, if there is a lack of protein, it will lead to the abnormal situation of salivary gland, and once the teeth lose the protection of saliva, it will lead to tooth decay in the face.
During the development of teeth, if there is a lack of protein

Treatment of tooth decay

  1. Oral care

To improve tooth decay, we should start from daily oral cleaning, brush our teeth in the morning and evening, learn to floss correctly, and rinse our mouth after meals, good oral cleaning can avoid aggravating tooth decay. In terms of diet, we should eat less or no food with high sugar content, and we can eat more food rich in fiber, and we should do oral examination regularly to pay attention to the changes of teeth.

  1. Medication

Patients can improve tooth decay with fluoride, which is mainly used at the beginning of tooth decay. In addition to fluoride, patients can also use silver fluoride drugs, which can stop the damage of tooth decay.

  1. Surgical treatment

When tooth decay develops to the middle and late stage, it is already serious, and the disease can be improved by surgical treatment. The common surgical methods are inlay restoration, silver amalgam filling and composite resin direct bonding restoration. The doctor will choose the suitable surgical procedure for the patient according to the patient’s condition.

  Conclusion: Nowadays, the chance of tooth decay has been increasing, so it is necessary to do a good job of oral cleaning in life, have regular dental checkups, develop good eating habits, eat less food with high sugar content, and go to the hospital for examination and treatment as soon as possible if you find symptoms of tooth decay to avoid further aggravation of tooth decay and affect dental health.

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