• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Can sexual orientation be judged by face value?

Most people judge a person’s sexual orientation from their clothing, hair style to walking posture, and even more and more people will admit their homoerotic orientation, and while we exclaim that they are all good-looking people, a study gives us a different answer.

Women with good looks are less likely to be “bent”

The American Sociological Association recently received a new study that reports that women who look more attractive and are able to “successfully work with men” at a young age are more likely to be 100% heterosexual and are likely to never explore different sexual orientations. On the other hand, women who miss out on romantic opportunities with men because they “conform” may instead seek other sexual identities in their lives.

Simply put, women who are good looking are more likely to be 100% heterosexual

The researcher of this report, Dr. Elizabeth Ora McClintock of the University of Notre Dame, tracked 5,018 women and 4,191 men, recording their status from adolescence to early adulthood. The final results showed that women’s sexual orientation becomes more variable based on the influence of the external environment.

Perhaps this result also explains why women like to appreciate both beautiful and handsome men in their lives, and are more likely to be bisexual. Men, however, are more likely to have a definite sexual orientation that doesn’t waver, and they will be either 100% heterosexual or 100% homosexual. We rarely see a heterosexual male pointing at another male and praising him for being handsome, do we?

McClintock claims that “women are more likely to be attracted to both men and women than men, which also gives them more flexibility in their choice of partner. When talking about gender identity, having flexible sexual attraction puts more emphasis on situational and experiential factors.”

Finger Length Suggests Sexual Orientation

If the above findings are the result of targeted research, then “finger length suggests sexual orientation” is more of a derivative of other findings.

First, let’s take a look at other research findings on “finger length”.

A study published in the British Journal of Cancer showed that men with longer ring fingers than index fingers were more likely to have prostate cancer. You don’t have to worry too much about this, because most men have relatively longer ring fingers.

In his 2002 book “Finger Length Ratio: A Pointer to Fertility, Behavior, and Health,” Manning found that men with longer ring fingers were more fertile. But for women, the reverse is also true.

3, testosterone is said to be able to prevent heart attacks, and a 2001 study showed that men with a smaller index-ring finger ratio had the lowest risk of early heart attacks.

Researchers at Cambridge University found that businessmen with longer ring fingers made more money than their colleagues with shorter ring fingers. They were also more aggressive and more likely to take risks.

A 2005 German study (40 volunteers) showed that men had higher spatial skills, and that women with longer ring fingers were better drivers than women with ring fingers of equal length to their index fingers, or with shorter ring fingers than their index fingers.

All of the above studies point to one common denominator: people with long ring fingers have stronger masculinity. It is said that the level of sex hormones during the mother’s pregnancy affects the difference in the length of the fetus’ fingers. Males generally have longer ring fingers, while females generally have more balanced ring and index finger lengths.

Thus, we see the following study: A study conducted in California, USA, investigated the fingers of 720 men and women from San Francisco, USA, and found that lesbians have a more masculine finger distribution, i.e. longer ring fingers and relatively short index fingers. This led to the inference that a woman’s homosexuality could be inferred from the length of her ring finger.

Of course, the above findings cannot be taken 100% seriously. It is not only the appearance and finger length that affects a person’s sexual orientation, but also the upbringing, personality and other complex factors.

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